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Skylights come in different types.
They can be curb mounted, which sit on a frame constructed of wood that is fixed to the roof decking. This allows the skylight to be installed and removed from the curb without disturbing the roofing materials.
They can be deck mounted, which come with a built in frame as one piece that attaches directly to the roof decking. This gives it a lower profile and better efficiency. It also reduces the amount of seals, but to change it out the roofing materials will be removed around it.
Both types of skylight can be made as a venting unit or fixed units.
There are acrylic domed skylights with different layers or domes such as, double dome, triple dome and single dome (for exterior use only). They can also be bronzed or come with full UV protection as a white tint that only lets in light and reflects the UV rays.
There are glass skylights that can be finished in different ways. Glass is very strong is laminated and tempered to increase its strength and safety. It can be double glazed, triple glazed and a few other options of glazing for quietness and heat reduction with protection from UV rays.
There is a product for almost all applications and projects to fit your needs.
Glass fixed curb mounted skylight with new membrane and flashing
Glass curb mounted skylight with new membrane and flashing.
Membrane work before the flashing goes on ahead of the roofers.
Completed work to replace skylight add membrane and new flashing ready for the roofing company to come in.
Fixed deck mounted skylights installed with membrane and flashing on a cedar shake roof. New shakes added.
Membrane on two new fixed deck mounted skylights ready to be flashed and roofed.
New curb mounted fixed glass skylight with new flashing and membrane installed.
Membrane installed on an existing skylight curb ready for the new flashing and skylight.
New flashing installed over the membrane and all roofed in ready for the skylight.
New curb built with roof deck modifications to repair a homemade skylight project that didn't work.
Membrane added to a side by side skylight project.
The finished side by side skylight project with new structure, curbs, membrane and flashing. Reusing the customer purchased skylights. The initial attempt by the homeowner didn't work and the structure was unsafe. The structure was adapted, strengthened and the skylight redone completely.
Glass fixed curb mounted skylight with new interior trim.
Tubular Skylights are the best way to bring lots of light into your home.
Made with polished aluminum to a mirror finish, they reflect light down into numerous different areas. Small areas where a traditional skylight is too big like small bathrooms without a window, hallways, closets and laundry rooms. They are also great for home offices, garages and any room you want more natural light.
These skylights are very low maintenance and bring in as much light as traditional skylights do in most cases. Excellent for homes with small windows, interior bathrooms and dark hallways. Kitchens, eating areas and living rooms also benefit from this product. They can be customized to have light kits in to act as a light at night time and a skylight in day time. You can have a damper installed to shut out light in your living room if you are watching TV . When the show is over you can turn the damper off and have a brightly lit living room.
Tubular skylights are a great addition to your home and really add that much needed light to areas where light would make all the difference.
Tubular skylight in an upstairs bathroom with no window. It was completely dark before.
Tubular skylight running through the attic.
Tubular skylight being connected up in the attic.
Commercial skylight projects are taken care of professionally and in a timely manner. Commercial projects have been completed from the ground up stage, to a renovation project. We work within the safety guideline and regulations and have the required safety tickets and personal protective equipment.
Tandem skylights
Aluminum frame skylights
Tubular skylights
Over sized skylights
Oversized bronze acrylic domed skylights installed on a church.
Skylights installed on a commercial building
Curb mounted acrylic skylights installed over an art studio downtown.
Emergency Response Station in south Calgary. Commercial tubular skylight system.
Commercial tubular skylight finished.
Interior domes and pipe hanging from the thermal barriers inside.
One of the completed units
Commercial tubular skylight lined up with elbows to turn the pipe and center it into a T-bar ceiling for the City of Calgary.
Finished tubular skylights for a break/meeting room.
Finished tubular skylight in a T-bar ceiling.
As well as regular skylights there are custom skylights.
These skylights are specially made to fit different projects. They range in sizes away from the normal sizes which match the traditional spacing between roof trusses. They also can be a variety of different shapes.
We can make the skylights to the exact specifications needed and install them to the structure or home.
We have worked on some very unique homes with uncommon exterior finishes and came up with a solution to sealing it and finishing it in a permanent way. While still matching the existing style and look of the original exterior.
What ever your project is we can provide a solution to making it happen.
A custom made hexagonal skylight replacing an old leaking window on top of a geodesic dome home.
Original window. Water had been leaking in and they tried to repair with tar.
The exterior was removed and the window was found to be rotten.
Using the platform we constructed another series of platforms to gain access all the way around. We built a new curb and wrapped it in membrane.
After the membrane we sprayed foam around the curb to match the foam outer layer of the home.
Then the foam was shaved and shaped flat to match the rest.
Then we coated the foam in a liquid membrane and finished it with paint color coded to match. The skylights were then installed.
There were 3 skylights in total and later on a window was replaced as well using a similar finishing process.
Tandem Skylights are made up of sections that join together to make one unit.
They vary in size and are used to cover large spaces.
Tandem skylights are used in mostly commercial buildings, but they are also used in numerous homes where a big area is lit up by using them. It adds a nice airy feel to the home.
Glass tandem skylights are also used to cover old acrylic skylights where a single glass unit cannot be made due to the size.
These skylights take a specialist and a lot of experience to install and have them done correctly. We recommend using only the best products for these skylights. The measurement and installation are key to these skylights lasting the test of time and weather. We offer these skylights and are proud to be able to do so. We have installed these around the province and very successfully.
An old tandem skylight being temporarily repaired and measured up for replacement.
Interior of a 4 piece tandem skylight
A 5 piece tandem skylight
Flashing and membrane is a very key part of the whole skylight system.
Flashing guides the water coming down the roof away from the skylight and allows it to pass easily and quickly. However, flashing uses overlaps and is not water proof. Ice build ups, snow and debris can cause backlogs that cause water to pool and push it back up underneath the flashing. This water can then get behind the shingles and enter underneath the curb.
This is where the membrane comes in.
A proper membrane capable of working on a 90 degree angle down the curb and onto the roof deck, will prevent the water from getting in. It is critical the correct membrane is used, as one that cannot be applied on the 90 degree angle will form a crease and tear over time causing the same issue as no membrane. The membrane prevents water from getting in around the whole skylight curb and surrounding roof deck, allowing gravity to pull the water away down the roof instead of into the skylight.
Together flashing and membrane provide a very secure and safe solution for skylights that will last.
New flashing on a complete redo of an old skylight. New curb, membrane and flashing.
Membrane installed on a new curb to redo an old existing skylight.
Membrane installed on a skylight that had no membrane and was leaking from under the roofing.
New flashing installed with membrane on a roof that was installed with no tar paper. The membrane will protect the skylight from any water that might get under the shingles. Tar paper as a minimum should have been used when the roof was redone.
Shown is the 18" back pan that prevent water from being compressed down and over a shorter back pan. A strip of membrane seals the top of the back pan. Especially in the absence of the tar paper, the membrane will prevent water from getting underneath the flashing and cause it to flow over the roof.
New flashing installed on a skylight.
Membrane installed on a skylight. An additional piece of membrane was added at the peak of the roof to provide a good overlap on both sides.